Table Mountain dominates the landscape
We stayed at a college called the Bible Institute (BI) in the small town of Kalk Bay, which is about 30 minutes away from Cape Town
BI is only 150 meters away from the ocean! This is the view from the dining room.
We took the train any time we wanted to go into Cape Town on our own. It was really nice to have a station so close to BI.
We went to the Waterfront several times to eat or shop
We took a tour of a nearby township called Langa. It has a lot of government housing, but also many rundown shacks.
We hiked to the top of Table Mountain one day. It was a really difficult hike- an hour and a half of climbing up a rocky staircase. But it had the most beautiful view from the top!
We took a ferry to Robben Island...
...the prison that housed hundreds of political prisoners during apartheid...
...and Nelson Mandela's jail cell.
We also went to the Cape of Good Hope
We went to Simon's Town (near Kalk Bay) where there's a colony of 3,000 African Penguins!
A few of us went to a concert by the Cape Town Philharmonic. They were wonderful!
We also had the opportunity to pet a cheetah
Half of the time that we were in Cape Town, we stayed in people's homes in the township of Ocean View. Sarah and I stayed with the Daniels family. They were so incredible! I miss them.
The last great adventure that I had was shark cage diving! That's me on the top.
One of the 6 sharks that we saw
Cape Town was an incredible experience. It was extremely different from our time in Pietermaritzburg, but I was so glad that we were able to spend a long amount of time in both places. I miss them both so much!