Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thank You!

I got some mail today from the wonderful ladies at Glendora Friends Church! Several of you mentioned that you read my blog, so I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! It was really fun to get the cards from you, and I felt so encouraged and loved after reading each one.

The envelope full of cards was handed to me whle I was sitting in my nursing class, while we were taking a quick break. I had fun opening the cards in class in between lectures, and then later on during the day. You ladies brough many smiles to my face throughout the day. : )

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your constant prayers and support. I feel so blessed to be remembered by you while I'm half a world away. You are such incredible women and I hope to be half as great as you one day. I love you all!!!

Word of the Day: "manje" (mon-jay) means "now"

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