Needless to say, I was very disappointed when I found out that we weren't going to drive through the park. The two big vans that we have are being rented, and if lions did attack us and scratched or damaged the rented vehicles, then we would have to pay a lot of money. To be on the safe side, our CLCs decided that we wouldn't drive in.
The guards at the entrance gate did let us get out of our cars and walk up to the fence though! It was so much fun, and probably better than driving through in cars!
The guards let us stand right next to the fence, and when the female lions saw us, they slowly started slinking up to the fence. It was so neat to see them walk like that!
After they came to the fence, the males decided that they would come see what all the fuss was about. We had about 4 males and 5 or 6 females come right up to the fence. They walked back and forth in front of us as if just as excited to see us as we were to see them!
It was such an amazing feeling to be literally inches away from lions! I crouched down so that I was at eye level with them. They were such beautiful creatures!
They seemed so gentle and harmless because all they were doing was walking back and forth, just being friendly.
One of the males yawned right in front of me, just like my cat at home does. He had much bigger teeth though!
I really wanted to touch one, but I was scared. When I saw the guy next to me stick his fingers through the fence and touch one without the lions noticing, I decided that it was safe for me to do it too, so I did. I stroked her back after she passed by me, and she didn't even notice. She was so soft and smooth, just like my dogs!
I took a lot of pictures and videos of the lions. It was definitely my favorite moment in South Africa so far. I don't think I'll ever forget how powerful, terrifying, and yet beautiful, the lions were.
Word of the day: "ingonyama" (een-gohn-yah-ma) means "lion"
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