My first exciting moment after starting classes happend on the first nursing day off (Wednesday, Jan 27).
I had spent the entire morning and afternoon working on homework assignments for my online research class. By the time I finished, everyone except nursing students were in one of their required classes, so 4 of us nursing students decided to go for a walk through the game reserve next door.
During our walk, we saw a lot of pretty trees,
and flowers,
and several monkeys hiding in the trees along the path (can you find one on the right?)
After about 10 minutes of walking through the reserve, Lauren and Chelsea suddenly stopped and said, "Shhh!" Brianna and I hurried up to them to see what they found. I was expecting a whole gang of monkeys which we didn't want to disturb so that they wouldn't chase after us. Instead, I was surprised to see this:
None of the other students had seen any zebras yet, even though lots of students jog through the reserve every morning. It was such an exciting thing to find 2 zebras casually eating some grass, only about 30 yards away from us!
We slowly and quietly walked closer and closer, careful not to disturb the zebras. We were able to get really close to them, probably about 10 feet away!
Suddenly, another zebra appeared in the trees to our left and stood watching us for a while. It eventually walked over to where the other 2 were standing and nuzzled with the baby for a little bit. It didn't seem very comfortable with us being so close though, because it kept looking straight at us every 30 seconds or so.
We decided we should leave, and then one more zebra started coming out of the woods over on our right!
We watched for a few more minutes, then realized that it was almost dinner time. We started to hurry back to the AE campus, when suddenly a whole gang of monkeys appeared in the middle of the road, blocking our path!
I haven't shared much about monkeys yet, so let me just tell you that they are very dangerous and not nearly as friendly as they look. They enjoy attacking anyone who gets too close, and they seem to like chasing girls more than boys. In fact, one almost attacked me just this morning on my way to breakfast! Needless to say, we were scared.
We grabbed some big sticks in an effort to scare them away
but then a random man suddenly came jogging past us. We warned him that there were monkeys ahead, but he said, "Oh don't worry about them!" and just kept on jogging. We ran closely behind him, and sure enough, the monkeys scattered when they saw him, and we all passed safely by.
We made it back to dinner without any further incident, and with some great stories to tell!
Word of the day: "Ngiyakuthanda" (ghee-a-coo-tahn-dah) means "I love you"
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